Thursday, January 26, 2012

100th day activity freebie

So, yesterday was the one hundredth day in our building.  I looked around for ideas and found one that was quite popular:  When I am  100 years old, I will look like this: and the kids had to draw their own pictures.  What fun it was to see their drawings and the things they wrote!  Here are some of my favorites:
When I am 100 years old, I will look like this and I will be:
"an old doctor"
"a retired cop"
"pro skater and a construction worker" (I would like to see that!)
"zookeyper" (love the spelling)
"old, old, lady"
"verry, verry, verry, verry old person (another great speller)
"well, I probably won't be anything because I will be dead"  (now this one is the only bright one in the class)

Wish I could share their drawings but that might have to be a later post, if ever.  Anyway, I have a word doc file for anyone to use if they would like to do this activity with their students.  I think my class really enjoyed doing their illustrations.

When I Am 100 Years Old I Will Look Like This

Friday, January 6, 2012

Underwater Garden video - amazing

This video was sent to me by one of my uncles because he liked it so much.  Me, however, being the teacher, not only appreciated the beauty of the video but was also instantly thinking of how it could fit into my curriculum.  Instantly, animal adaptations, expecially camouflage, came to mind.  So, I am  sharing this beautiful, amazing video, so you too, can be inspired to find ways to fit it into your own curriculum .  I so hope that you will watch it as it is completely worth watching.  Happy viewing!