Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ok, so I think I have finally got this embedding thing figured out, thanks to Kristin, at A Teeny Tiny Teacher,  who was kind enough to help me figure out it.  So I will owe her one eternally.  For now, I will start by putting her blogsite on here for others to enjoy, if they happen to venture upon my blog.  Which I hope they do! 

A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Well, it was our first day of Christmas break and I got to sleep in until 9:15!  Wonderful.  Woke up to a light sprinkling of snow which was far better than the foot we had last time. (of course that one was on a Saturday so no snow day, much to all the kids' disappointment.)
So here is a funny one - we were studying the 5's times tables, and on of my kids realized that he already knew them all, much to his surprise.  He figured out that since he knew how to count by 5's that he already knew all the fives facts.  He told me "this is gonna be a pizza cake".  haha.  And he was totally serious.

So for a little Christmas freebie, here is an updated version of the classroom clip chart hall of fame award, because my 17 year year old, very honest to the point of painful, daughter, told me that my first one looked really tacky.  her words, not mine.  So enjoy her less tacky version.  Admittedly, it is rather nice. Take 2 Clip Chart Award And here is the address to follow Kristin's blog - she is great and soooo funny! Thanks again for the help, Kristin!!!

1 comment:

  1. and here is my easy as pie, piece of cake comment:
    my 3 year old was trying to bend her older sister's legs a direction they weren't supposed to go and she said, "it's ok, sissy, this is gonna be a piece of pie"! :)
